As a little girl, I often saw my grandma place her hand over her food in childlike faith and bless the food before she ate it. She would even pray over a drink in a calabash, like Old Testament days and taste it before she entertained a visitor. (I know this sounds like a fairy tale as times have since changed). My grandma, even in dire circumstances, like losing her adopted child would offer a song to the Lord, and she continued to offer a song of praise when as a teenager I was involved in a fatal automobile accident that killed three passengers.
My mom and dad were also people of prayer and loved the Lord. I would always hear the church bell ring in the early hours of the morning, and dad would rise and walk to church for morning prayer.
I listened to my dad pray countless times for his children and over all of his concerns and problems.
I watched my dad forgive again and again; wrongs done to him in the community. His simple explanation to us, his children (when we couldn’t understand the rationale for his random acts of forgiveness), was that nothing was worth making him lose heaven and spending eternity with Jesus.
I often wondered why my grandma and parents were so dedicated to the Lord with childlike faith.
When, as a young adult I became rebellious and was doing my own thing, my parents prayed relentlessly and lovingly reminded me of the love of our Heavenly Father.
Like Saul who became Paul, my eyes were opened after my friend’s young husband was assassinated. This incident prompted me to reconsider life, its purpose and meaning.
I came to the realization that my accomplishments as an attorney could not save me, my looks could not save me and no earthly possession or title could save but ONLY Jesus could, and can save any soul. I came to the rude awakening that:
It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the Judgement. (Hebrews 9:27, NIV )
I put my trust in Jesus Christ when I was twenty-seven years old. Since my salvation, I have seen the power of answered prayer. The Lord commands us to pray at all times, including in the Spirit and give Him thanks in all things.
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Philippians 4:4-9, Ephesians 6:18)
The Lord is attentive to our prayers and He delights in our coming to Him because He loves us and has given us everything we need for life and godliness.
We know the Lord through reading His love letter to us, the Bible and we converse with Him by talking to Him through prayer!!
I have since become like my grandma and parents. I have taught our children from an early age, the importance of believing the power of prayer. I have seen miracle after miracle of answered prayers!!
My friend, do you pray? Who do you pray to? Do you know the Lord?
You can pray to God through Jesus, but you must first ask Him into your heart; to be your Lord and Savior.
Acts 4:12 says: There is no other name under heaven to be saved except through Jesus.
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
My friend, please come in childlike faith, ask Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and be your Savior and Lord. You are now a Christian, tell someone, then find a Bible believing church.
Going forward, you can now come boldly to the throne of grace in prayer about anything and everything, and your Heavenly Father will never turn you away or be ever too busy for you!!
(Hebrews 4:16, James 5:16)
As my dad would say, because of Jesus, you are now a citizen of HEAVEN!!!!
Hajo Iya