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Transitioning Into The New- by Margaret Stearns

Be prepared to endure greater external attacks and be ready to crucify your carnal responses as it is My desire to pour you out as a drink offering to the thirsty and the hungry.

There can be much opposition as I purpose to expand your territory, and too, with this probable onset of attacks; be aware that this will give you opportunity to see more clearly the depths of your hearts~

What areas are still needing My refining and purification?

Like Paul, as I sent him on many excursions and he stretched in his sphere of influence, so too he grew in greater understanding of the cost to walking in and carrying the greater weight of My glory.

Do not be alarmed at the increase of spiritual warfare as I have endowed you with more of My dunimas power. You shall watch the enemy flee but be aware of your own heart and be ready to catch the little foxes as I allow the fire to be turned up seven times hotter for I shall have a mature Bride who has made herself ready and is dressed all in white.

I am teaching you to wield your sword and to speak with My authority. Are you ready to carry a greater portion of My glory? Do you have the character to build what I am birthing in the earth?

I am training your hands to war and your fingers for battle. Put on your full armor and together we shall conquer nations and advance My Kingdom on the earth.

Are you in position to advance?

What is your heart posture?

Get ready and be prepared for I have greater exploits to assign you in this Season.

Are you filled with My glory that I may pour you out to a waiting world who is hungry and thirsty to receive from My sold-out sons and daughters?

Received: September 25, 2022


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